DMS Cars & Cleanup 7/7

Come on down for DMS’s inaugural Cars & Cleanup. This is a world-class, multi-brand, multi-period automotive hangout, where we’ll also perform dirty, menial labor to help keep our committee area clean, functional, and organized. Ford or Ferrari? Who gets to change the parts washer media? Tuner or Domestic? How should we keep our sockets organized? NASCAR or F1? Who left a gallon of used oil in this drip pan?

Auto bays will be closed during this time. Lift Training will be available for anyone who volunteers. Wear clothes you don’t mind ruining.


Bumping this for visibility.

Coming to cleanup and learn about the area, staying for the lift training!

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I apologize for not making it to the cleanup party last night, but I was picking up the latest pony in my little stable. And yes… it will definitely and proudly sport big’ol DMS logos. :smiley:

I am so tickled about getting this dragster. The Beloved and I used to race very similar cars to this one right up to the very last day SpeedZone was open. I think we were actually the last people to race them before the shutdown. It was our thing… fast old people kicking literally everybody’s asses every time we raced. Darla and I had a fierce and hard fought competition to get lowest ET, and it wound up that she was exactly .001 second faster than me. And what chapped my ass most is that with the shutdown I would never get another chance for redemption.

But all that changed this week. My Nephew found this car for sale on facebook market and sent me a message. Five seconds later I was in contact with the seller and long story short… (too late!), I bought the car.

He bought it from a guy who bought it at the auction after SZ closed. It was the non-operational dragster that sat outside the entry to the Top Eliminator track.

Originally I bought it as a memento and to be another piece of wall art for the big hangar I’ll be building soon. BUT! when I got there I learned that the car wasn’t one of the attraction cars, but was an actual dragster rolling chassis, (hot engine had already been sold), and was track tech certified. It’s a real dragster!

That didn’t really sink in until the drive home. So I’ve decided to scan the old original fiberglass body parts and fab new ones in my own style and put the originals on the hangar wall next to the 2 crushed Opel GT bodies and The Beloved and I will soon be racing again! But this time we won’t be limited to going 70mph in 200’. This is gonna be so much fun! We’ve talked for years about buying a rolling chassis and dropping a little Chevy 350 in it and having a ball at the local tracks. And that is exactly what we’re gonna do.

Just wanted to share that bit of good news.



LOL. I didn’t realize they’d closed up shop… :sob:
Never did try one of those out…

Congrats! Should be fun.


That’s pretty sweet. The fact that it’s the speedzone car makes it cooler in my book. We’ve always talked about doing a motorsports committee day at Dallas Karting Complex, we need to get that organized.

I don’t know anything about drag racing so take this with a grain of salt, but in the circuit racing world at least, unless you run in a historical series, a car that passed tech 15-20 years ago is gonna need a bit of work to get past tech today. For a road car, at a minimum it’d probably be, a few extra components added to the cage, new seat, new belts, new fire suppression. Just something to keep in mind when you’re project planning. My two cents, an electric dragster would be pretty cool…


Cars & Cleanup went really well. I want to thank everyone for coming, we had ~15 people help out which is fantastic turnout. The automotive area looks great, we got through everything on the list: organized the tools, cleaned and organized everything on the shelving, diagnosed the hydraulic press, changed the parts washer juice (a disgusting job so extra special thanks to those folks), threw away a ton of trash, disposed of a bunch of leftover fluids and chemicals and even scrubbed the floors.

Thanks again everyone for coming out, I’m not going to list names because I’d certainly forget someone but you know who you are and we all appreciate you. I’ll definitely be setting up another one so keep an eye out for that.


My oldest, Father-in-law and I spent some time in the speed zone cars. Unfortunately my oldest wasn’t old/tall enough to drive the dragsters. They were fun, even in the short distance of the track.

Modern Marvels did a piece with them probably 10-15 years ago. Or for that matter could even longer then that. Time seems to be flying by, as I was reminded last night whilst talking about the parts cleaner with @skyspook & others.


@jast :: Yep. It’s been scraped from the face of the earth. Just dirt just off I35E and Walnut. Soon to be another big warehouse. Oh well…


The drag car’s tech inspection is very recent. It’s been on the track within the last year. Just needs an engine and sundry parts. I got a bunch of Chevy performance parts with it. Can’t wait to actually build it and drive it! :smiley:



I’m actually out that way more often than I would think with business just off Manana, exit right after it (the address formerly known as Malibu SpeedZone). But I guess it’s been longer than I thought since I said “I need to drop in there sometime”, because it was still visibly THERE. But unless you’re specifically looking, stuff’s gotten harder to notice from the roadways these days…

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Dang, wish I could have made it out. I don’t have a good excuse like @DigitalDoyle though, I was just working late.


Yep. It’s only been razed a few months ago. Big changes in that area. No real sign it ever existed. It was there for at least 40 years. Darla and I had many fun dates there in the early 80’s dropping quarters into the Defender, Galaga, Joust, and all the other cool video games there when it was Malibu Grand Prix… long time ago. Really fun place. We were heartbroken when it shut down. We were friends with all the staff and awesome mechanics… kind like a family member passing, I guess. Strange the things that are held as special by we humans. Darla was in mourning for a long time after it closed. She would drive there and sit in the parking lot. I couldn’t do it. Painful to lose that much joy.



I remember that. They changed the name between my 1st and 2nd visits…Swapped out the track cars from “mini f1” to “less special”. I remember when they added the dragsters…
The street sill shows up on Google Maps as “Malibu Drive”…


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Forgot about that. That would and will be the only remaining vestige.

Oh well… only constant in Life is change. Savor your joys whenever you can. All things pass.


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Sorry we jacked your thread @Bizwacky
Thank you for doing this!
I support this, and wish I could have been there, backward masking and all… :smiley:


Agreed. Sorry @Bizwacky. Greatly appreciate all you do. Let me know if there’s anything with which I might help.


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If you missed the first one, don’t miss the sequel, May 5th, DMS’s Good Vibes Cleanup Club.

Good Vibes Cleanup Club is not a club, it’s not a meet, and it’s not a group drive, it’s a way of life! And that way of life involves dirty, menial labor as we maintain the automotive area. Our goal is to have our community workshop be clean, functional, and organized. Come on out and help, there’s guaranteed to be good vibes, good conversation, and questionable fluids.

Auto bays will be closed during this time. Lift Training will be available for anyone who volunteers. Wear clothes you don’t mind ruining.


Don’t forget like I almost did, automotive cleanup day is today, May 5th. Come on down and work up a sweat before you hit the margaritas.


Our next cleanup Day is July 7th. It’s the biggest automotive event between Valwood and Beltline!