Dms ask me buttons in the kitchen

That’s kewl! Though everyone should keep in mind that “someone” (either a committee or individuals) will have to pay for the materials. (I’m speaking to all who are submitting all these awesome options - not any one person in particular…)

The buttons and labels that I’m going to make today /tomorrow are coming out of my pocket, since I am making “prototypes” basically. I will present what I make as options for anyone to choose to use if they want.

I’ll upload the files to the wiki and the PR folder on the Committee Drive, once I’ve made the buttons and labels to confirm the designs look good, to make it easy for individuals to use, as well as for PR, should they decide that they want to pay for the materials to make more.

There has been mention of PR having filament available, however Luis would have to approve the use - especially since the filament that is for PR was donated by PolyPrinter to use when we take a PolyPrinter to various events (it wasn’t explicitly said that it couldn’t be used in other capacities, but it would only be fair to take the fact that we received it for that reason under consideration…).

Many Thanks to Everyone who has been working on so many neat options for us to use! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, in support of this, I also paid for my materials to make my little badges.

It came out to like under $10.00, so it was pretty cheap and I was super happy with them. I kept one that my cat decided to steal from my bag because he loves them!


I would imagine that most individuals could figure it out, of course… That doesn’t address the fact that it’s been discussed that using the initials is not good practice when addressing people who may not already know (for reasons that have been repeated many times… :slight_smile: )

Added some of @maxk68’s laser cut buttons to the folder of buttons in kitchen. Worth checking out! They still need some polishing to get to the final version but hopefully a little imagination will do in the mean time.

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