DMA Hosting a Doctor Who Night


About mid season I’ll be hosting a big whovian nite at the space where we take over the whole lecture hall. There would also be a follow project of making a tardis.


Ever moved a Tardis ? The prop version tends to be rather heavy. And big.

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I had to for the dr who skits for Furry Fiesta, not a fun time.

Can’t it somehow move itself by going forward or backward in time? Or is that a Shrödinger question?

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Find a functioning one and all bets are off.

I was referring to the prop version, as specified.

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Now my question is can we park one in the front lobby?

NO… it is a Time And Relative Dimension In SPACE… so it can move in Time AND Space… If you just move it in Time… it STAYS in the same Space like the Time Machine ala Jules Verne… The Time Machine… (Otherwise you could avoid the Morlocks)… Ok I hate myself now…