DIY design your own chip ASIC

I dunno if you guys are interested, but Google recently has started an open silicon initiative where they will manufacture integrated circuit designs for free, there is a class you can take online as well to learn how to design and submit with the Fab’s PDK.

This is a big deal for Google to allow this for free, this would usually cost $20k-$100k.


What has Google done in the past to making them so benevolent on this project?

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hi how are you? its been a while

Spitballing, but perhaps they bought more time in the foundry’s schedule than they can use - and can’t sell - so rather than squander it they’re buying some good PR instead?


Google does a lot to support open source. I believe it is because they benefit so much from it.

Google Summer of Code is a good example.

They also do a lot I’d consider passive. One example is that they required any microprocessor they used in projects or product have a documented GCC toolchain. This is why the TI MSP430 has one.

I understand they are also contributing funding to open source FPGA toolchain projects.

I suspect their total investment is a few seconds of revenue for them, but I have no idea.


Why so cynical, maybe they are doing it out of the kindness of their heart?
“Don’t be Evil” -Google


Removed from their code of conduct in 2018.

Still they do a lot of good, and a lot of not so. I do appreciate their work in security.

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Made my off-topic aside and intend for that to be that since I do not wish to derail the topic.

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I am speculating, but I think they are trying to get people like myself and others to create open source libraries of parts so that entire designs can be made without using the super expensive design software like from Cadence and used with open source libraries.

The process node they are using is 20 years old, but it still has a lot of value for stuff that doesn’t need to be bleeding edge. They also recently have started one with Global Foundries’ Fab in Singapore so the program is expanding.

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So anything useful you create will be licensed by google… I mean, it will be technically open source but a few changes and it can be declared a copyright item with google support and such. Yes that is a cynical view, but why would Google offer anything for free? Oh but we all trust Google because they would never do anything like prioritize their search engine. I’m just spouting… forget I said anything.