If I may ask, what is the significance of “Vintage” in the name?
Other than searchable in google for the museum project doing our early days, none really. We’ve always been a backagram just like free software foundations’ GNU - Gnu Not Unix well we have been VCC - VCC Computer Committee from the start. Plus VCC is the power input pin on cpu chips
Oh and btw, “the cloud” is just a new name for mainframe computering
It is a gross misunderstanding of cloud computing to call it the same as mainframe computing. Cloud computing platforms are about automation; not computing. They are not even about virtualization, even though virtualization is part of the foundation. It’s all about how to increase the number of workloads / sysadmin from 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, infinity. Cloud computing is about the extinction of sysadmins. It’s about rolling a cabinet off a truck into the datacenter, plugging that cabinet into 60KW 3-phase twist locks in the floor and 100G fiber in the overhead tray, pushing the power button on the two, redundant power strips. Then in an instant the undercloud automation discovers the 20-60 servers in the rack through pre-wired LOM ports, loads a base OS, loads a cloud function (i.e. nova for compute, ceph for storage, etc.), and the over-cloud automation then starts scheduling work loads. A human never touched a keyboard and now 1,500 cores are online. Of course the automation extends into the application as well where applications install themselves; request their own networking, disk storage, and compute power; configure themselves; then advertise their availability to load balancers. Again, not a single key stroke on a keyboard or mouse click. There is not a single sysadmin in that story.