Discussing Makercrawl - March 3rd

I thought I would clean up the discussion and create one new thread now that this event is on its feet and running so we can actually discuss logistics and details without all the other side discussion.

On March 3rd we will be doing our 2nd Makercrawl
Specifically, we will be going to the following places:

12:15-1:15 Craft Guild of Dallas
Art/Craft School

1:30-2:00 The Mix Coworking Space
Coworking Space

2:20-3:20 Acme Creation Lab
Makerspace with rentable studio space

3:45-4:45 Better Blocks
CNC lab community focused

5:30-7:30 Community Beer Company
Brewery for Makermeetup

Please make sure to sign up if you are going. I’m now a professional unpaid middle-man communicating with all sorts of organizations. I need to give them an estimation of the number of people that will show up for the day

If you choose to drive yourself here is the link: New link will appear in 48 hours.

The van is currently full - if you would like to pay to ride please put your name on this thread and we can see if we can fill a larger bus.

This isn’t a complex trip - but I jumped the gun and prepared everything for the other brewery so I’m having to trace back and fix things. Changing the brewery saved us $150 so I’m excited that we can pass the savings but everyone is going to need to pack a snack or two and eat before we leave.


Ok, guys I just (12:52) put in the new van option for this event at $20 per person with a limit of 11 tickets. It should be live within 48 hours.

If we don’t sell 11 tickets we will cancel the van. If we sell 11 tickets and begin a waiting list I will look at renting a school bus for $75 an hour (but the minimum needed would be around 35 people to cover the hourly cost, mileage, and gas). All the larger bus rentals I looked at were a bit exorbitant for the day - if anyone wants to investigate further please feel free. Costs should be at or under $20 per person (this includes a tip - tax - whatever). Currently, we are renting a passenger van for about $200 for the day.

Would also like to add, if we go over 11 Pax most of the rental companies are looking for the driver to have a CDL of some sort. So 15 Pax vans are out. If you have a CDL, preferably with a bus endorsement, let Nicole know and if you’d be willing to take part and drive.

This should be fun.


Ya at that point it’s either get two passenger vans or look at hiring a driver and larger bus.

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“I’m taking the van” option ($20) 5 tickets left as of 1-16-18 click here

Drive yourself option (free) please register so I have an estimate on the number of people to tell the organizations click here

looking forward to it, its like a wine tasting bus tour but makerspacey stuff instead -cool

Yes! exactly!
I wish party busses were a bit more affordable - but I don’t think a tribe of drunks would be all that entertaining after awhile - we would all be taking naps and hugging people.

If you’re interested in the bus I advise to buy them now if you can. They are getting eaten up moderately fast.

I’m excited that you’re excited about it! It’s going to be a fun day.


Fair warning - posted this in another thread but want to make sure everyone reads it.

So just so you know I’m growing in my organizational brain thus I’ve made some mistakes on this crawl - thankfully we are a far way out and can course correct. I’m going to limit the number of people who will be allowed on the “free drive yourself” option thus not to overburden the people we are visiting. I think it’s only fair to do it this way. This has no effect on the makermeetup at the bar.

I’m going to limit the number of registrants to “drive myself” to 13 to hold down the group to a total number of 24 people. Thursday about this time I’m going to shut down the class and reregister. I will be emailing the top 13 people to give them a spot and leaving additional spots open currently we have 6 registered leaving open 7 spots.

I hope you can see the logic behind this choice of action - if you don’t voice your concerns and I will listen (and probably not respond)

Van is sold out.
Drive yourself version will be live in 48 hours with only 6 remaining spots.

I apologize for any confusion, I’m already organizing the next one FYI and it will go smoother - 3rd time is a charm.

I have sent emails to the people who registered for the drive-yourself version explaining they still have a spot.

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Ok darlings, van is rented!
This is for people who paid for a ticket to go on the van.

I limited the amount of people that could attend that were driving themselves as to not be an overwhelming mass of people.

I’m looking forward to the trip hope you are too!

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