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One of these days, someone might try adding a makerspace…


We talked to them, were kinda interested and had some possible funds. But the rule about talking to public officials shut that down. :wink:

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That’s an idea now! Shoot Lewisville library has the HIVE makerspace with laser table and 3d printer. But in the mall would be banging for my store. Plus, it would be a hop skip and jump to get replacement hand tools for it.


Might consider talking to the new owner and management, and what, if I may ask, is the rule about talking to public official’s?

A rule that prevents you discussing business opportunities with a mall owner??? What? When did they become a “public official”? Lmao.

Where do you think the “possible funds” were coming from? Raining down from the sky from a Deity?

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Haha … smartass … nobodies signing contracts and committing any Manna from God. Simply developing business contacts and possible opportunities.

That’s the problem with poor leadership skills in a bureaucracy. They don’t know how to lead!! I’m sure you fit in quite well. :thinking:

Was just responding in like… :slight_smile:

Now you can’t speak to people to develop business contacts or possible opportunities with public entities or personnel without jeopardizing your membership. That’s what stopped the talks. The City of Lewisville had some funding dollars they were talking about but all of that has come to a halt unless Ken wants to help the city start their own makerspace - outside of the library.

I’ve lead my share of projects. I try to be a minion and not the one in charge. Politics is like walking in my back yard (I have 3 dogs) - you have to watch where you step. I hate politics.

I considered giving up my DMS membership to help get a stand alone space in Lewisville going. I felt it was kind of a serious slap when that rule was put in place. This process was ongoing over three years, prior to being on board, while I was on the BoD and afterwards. At no time did I represent myself as being the “official” and/or mouthpiece of DMS. I was only a regular member or one of five board members.

The city did have real dollars offered and the mall management was very interested. They were up for unconventional tenants in the Mall. We even toured 3 applicable spaces.

A DMS strives to be the biggest makerspace, you will start to see other competition.

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If you ever restart that as an individual to start a new one, let me know. I’m next door to Lewisville in Highland Village and perhaps something could be done through a combination of the school district and the cities covered by LISD.

Wanted to get back on topic about my new favorite power tool store. Swung by today to say hello. Good deals and @jaydknipp knows a ton!


@MathewBusby thanks for the glowing referral! It was a pleasure meeting you and I’ll give you a shout as soon as I get that wrench in.

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