Digital Media Training

I just submitted a class that will go over the equipment in the Digital Media cabinets, how to access it, and how to practice excellence in the Digital Media room.

Depending on turnout I will be holding this class every 2 weeks to a month, and in the future I will probably schedule the basics course before or after the committee meeting to encourage participation.

I remember being a new member and thinking that a month was a long time to wait for anything.

Seeing as we have weekly tours and new members joining all the time I think that having a basics course should be something that every committee strives to keep on the calendar on a somewhat regular basis.

This basics course will only cover how to access the equipment and how to put it back without breaking anything, however I will be happy to answer specific questions and as the course evolves maybe a technique or two.


This post is for future members!

If you do not see a Digital Media Basics class on the calendar please message @Team_Digital_Media to request training.

Don’t be shy about it either! Chances are someone else doesn’t even know to ask!

I’ve submitted classes through October, and if demand is higher than expected I will add more in-between those.