As mentioned in another thread…
I’ve been wanting to run for chair of Digital Media, but I was waiting for the chair to call meeting and was informed that any committee member can call for a meeting.
So that night I scheduled a meeting for the next week.
Then I was informed that elections should have already taken place by the time of the BoD meeting this Friday.
So I cancelled, and scheduled another meeting for just before the meeting.
THEN I read up on the rules about committee meetings (should have maybe done that before deciding to throw my hat in the ring) and minimum warning time, so according to the wiki the deadline for posting any kind of committee election would have been about 2 weeks ago.
There is a provision for an emergency meeting, but the deadline for that would have been Monday instead of today (Wednesday)
Since it’s already posted I’ll still be at the meeting, and I look forward to meeting other people to hear what they would like to see going on in Digital Media, but it looks like it’s already too late for an election no matter how you interpret the rules.