Last night’s committee meeting went really well!
I think I counted 9 people in attendance not including myself, so thanks to everyone who came out to give input on the new Digital Media policies.
I’m cleaning up the wording a bit, and when I get back from lunch and proofread the changes I will update the wiki.
We have another committee meeting scheduled for Monday July 9th at 8:30 in which we plan on discussing prospects for a new camera. If you have opinions on which model we should get please prepare a statement listing the camera model you’d like to see us get, a little bit about it’s features and why it’s the right choice for the DMS membership.
We also discussed smaller purchases of necessary items as well as some strobe flashes for the Sony camera.
I have an updated wishlist here in case anyone is curious.
(Oh that reminds me, are there any procurement officers that can help me by buying the stuff on that list?)