DiAcro Turret punch

Big thanks to @richmeyer for spearheading the new to us punch, he even put together a semi-rolling stand for it. She needs some love but it will compliment our sheet metal equipment that we have in metal shop.
I freed up the turrets and all of the punches. I took 4 of the punches to the Vapor hone machine to clean them up. They cleaned up real well I think. The capacity from what I can tell is 16 gauge. It is hand powered.


@richmeyer Thank you Rich Meyer - this is a great addition.

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Cleaned up more of the punches today.


This is a really cool deal. I have a simple set of dimple dies that I can use in the press at home but the setup is a pain – but now I’m going to dimple die everything…

Tim, thanks for cleaning them up. How are the sizes marked?

The dies are numbered upper & lower. Those numbers corespond to the sample card with the sizing & said number stamp.


Thanks Richard for bringing the turret punch to DMS. Thanks, Tim; as you say, they do appear to clean up nicely.

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What types of material can it handle?

Are all the punches round?

16 gauge for what type of material?
16 gauge stainless: 0.060"
16 gauge aluminum/brass: 0.050"


Did these all get finished? If not I need practice on the vaporhone and doing something useful at the same time would be efficient, unless it’s capable to screw one up.with the vapor hone

I’m actually not sure because there is no solid documentation that I have been able to find yet. They say it depends on the thickness of the material, hardness of the material & diameter of the punch

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I’m not sure if anyone finished up. I know there had been quite a few of them done last time I looked. Feel free to look & clean them up. You wont mess them up in the vapor hone. Just make sure you dry them of really well, There is a hole in the top, blow that out really well. I used the parts washer air to dry them.

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