While listing to off the hook where they had an interview with several of the founders and largest makerfaire, got me to thing. What could we do for Dallas’ Makerfaire and to all shock only Denton?! has one!
@Team_PR and Members, Couldn’t we sponsor or kick off one?
There is a system to get a maker faire. It is a lot of work. The reason Dallas doesn’t have one is that no group has followed through on the work needed to put one on.
and MONEY. These things cost a lot, and you usually don’t earn enough to cover costs if you aren’t San Fran or NY. I know the first two Austin Faires cost the organizers a lot of cash. It was why the third year didn’t happen.
I dove into this idea last time Nicole brought it up. You also have to have multiple mini faires, before they allow you to have a full fledged one.
Hm. There’s that extra “e”. Without the “e”, I wonder just how their branding holds up. Not that that’s a big deal – if we had a fair that was substantially different from their branded type, it might just confuse people.
I looked deep into this idea trying to take our open house and turn it into a mini-maker fair. I have contacts and lists galore. We couldn’t setup the tents needed to really house the faire here close to DMS as I had initially wanted. We went so far to have someone out to survey our area and get quotes on tents and other rental. I had spreadsheets people!
I can go into great detail about this and I think it’s something that can be planned for an happen in Dallas. I think DMS could underwrite this but I would think grants could be available for something like this so DMS could just be a contributing sponsor of some sort. Yes, money is a major major factor. Even my small mini-faire had a pretty substantial price tag not even considering renting grounds/facilities.
This is no small task and would take a team of people to begin (you start with mini maker faires and build up) but I believe it a worthy cause.