Delay cutting blocks

I came in to cut the blocks you need and got the two blocks cut out from the aluminum block and got them squared up on the manual mill. Unfortunately, the air went down or low enough that the HAAS won’t run so I can’t finish it out. Sure I could cut it out on the manual mill. There’s just one little problem - I don’t want to! :smile: :star_struck:
I have my program all ready to go, so I’ll have to finish it up once the compressor is up. cheers!


Hi Nick,

No problem, we are all volunteers here so when you get to it that will be great! Thanks for doing that.

I will be around on Thursday, 6/23 for Letterpress class, if you are around. I’d like to see what you have so far.


I left one block withJon K on Saturday. He probably put it in a cabinet. Dimensionally, it’s a little short on the length not since it gets shimmed in the trait should be ok. Just let me know

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Yep, we left it in the drawer with the clamshell’s chases. Can’t miss it.

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