1000000% my fault this phone is dead. Full blame falls on me.
It was water. Ya. Ya. Ya.
It’s in rice right now and I’m preforming every ceremony known to man to spiritually heal it. Candles, chicken sacrifices, healing hands, splashes of even more water but this time it’s blessed…all that stuff.
Still dead. Still just mocking me.
I have another coming with insurance today and my sim card will delightfully boot up a new baby for me.
Anyone know ANYTHING about pulling off data/photos from a dead ass phone? That should have been backed up months ago…ya I know.
You know pictures of open house
pictures of my kiddo doing delicious nonsensical things like a picture of a tooth…I’m going to miss that picture big time
Travel photos that I’m currently crying about
summer adventures
new house really vital information that’s needed this week.
anxiety reducing mantras I need to read like RIGHT now.
But seriously people I realize the stupidity of my position.
Let me say that one more time because I know someones going to type “you shoulda been backing that up” and I’m going to smile and know you’re right but I’m going to (in my mind) want to bite your ear off straight tyson style.
But you are correct…I should have backed it up long ago.
And I’m sorry for wanting to bite off your ear - that’s not fair or right of me - it’s me misplacing my personal anger at myself onto someone else - it’s a very unhealthy thing for me to do.
I just want to know if anyone anywhere knows anything about cracking into a phone to get data off.
Why yes, I was married to a corporate Apple for a lonnnnggggg time.
Thanks for reminding me.
Why yes, I’m trying to not need him to solve my issues.
Why yes, I’m turning to you guys instead.
Why yes, I know I have issues.
anybody tried the wally world phone saver kiosk?
I am curious what they do, and/or does it work.
And would it help here, obviously, Nicole would like to know…
This is the only part of Zach’s suggestion I would suggest NOT doing. Many oven’s, particularly older ones, have poor thermostatic control and can vary quite a lot, especially on the old end.
A cardboard box with a 40W light buld would work better for heating, but a garage with a fan blowing across can dry it as well.
The real problem will be opening your case, Iphones were not designed to be serviced.
I figured Apple phones automatically back-up once a day so they can bind your soul to the iCloud.
My cheapy LG Android smarter than me phone does it every night around 2AM. No idea where it is backing it up to or how to retrieve the info, but it is backed up … tells me so in the morning.
I mentioned it, because the last time I tried that approach, there were plastic parts that didn’t survive the process intact, and smd parts on the bottom that came off.
Never seen an iphone pcb, so don’t know what risks it presents, but there are better ways to dry out boards.
Did you see the screen go ape-shit and turn off? The 7 has an IP67 rating, that’s why I ask. Mine was in the cup holder full of ice water on my birthday, a jackass decided to slam on his brakes at a green light.
If you can dry it out enough to turn it on, you can use software to recover the pictures if you aren’t using the cloud. I did this with my wife’s broken screen phone.
Update your cloud, it’s .99 a month for 50gig. Then you won’t have to worry as much.
Thank you guys for the advice. I have seven days to try to boot the baby back up before needing to send it the carcass for insurance.
I have hope.
I also have crying.
I also have pie.
I’m not an iphone user so I’m not famaliar with your insurance plan, but could this retroactively void the warranty?
I would hate to see you get an e-mail saying upon re-inspection of the phone…
Well guys I wanted to thank you for all of your advice. I’m still trying to resurrect the beast.
I got an email stating that they were replacing my school computer - and to start backing up…so I followed the directions. WELLLLLLLL I started seeing little pictures of my life in the upload box. It seems I didn’t click something with google drive and my life was being uploaded without knowing it. Somewhere somehow the memories are somewhere in space!!!
Lesson learned! I will be a better person and back up more often.
Yay! Happy accidents and glad all is not lost. I had a scare in May when my phone lost its everlovin non-backed up mind. I had to do a total restore or consign it to a new life as a paperweight. It had a ton of my business jewelry pics plus personal stuff. And more than a few cat photobombs I’d be sad to lose. I’d posted some to fb, but that’d be it.
Fortunately, at some point when the stinking stupid photo thing that kept nagging me to optimize storage that I cursed every time because I couldn’t disable it (strongly needed full photos locally stored for showing a design to renfair customers and no cell signal) and it was easy to accidentally hit…well, thank goodness I’d accidentally hit it once and it’d saved everything but the past week. Didn’t have a few of nephews graduation pics, but my gawd my sister had a ton so it worked out too.
Data recovery is s b*#!ch to do on apple products, only the genus bar could be of help or Icracked.com.
I do have a partnership with drive savers so can get you a fare discount but mind you it would take a while and is pricy since it needs to sent to the Lab for processing. But well worth it since they’re the top data recovery service for 20 years running.
Personally, I’d suggest checking iCloud for backups and in the future store your data on Google drive instead of the phone.