Damaged ribbon connector for electric shifter

I have a small tear in the ribbon connector for my 2014 dodge charger shifter. Im wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to tackle this. Would it be crazy to think i could replace the ribbon with normal wiring? Or if i soldered it, do we have thin enough stuff to do it properly? (Im decent at soldering even with shaky hands) Buying a used shifter is 70 bucks on a good day so im gonna attempt to diy this one first

Might be able to suggest something, but difficult to offer anything relevant with limited info. A picture of the issue might help.

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Speaking generally, I’d be wary of soldering a ribbon cable in an environment where vibration is present. If a crack develops you could lose shifter function, which would be less than safe. I’d be curious to see what your soldering though, I may not be picturing the same thing you’ve got.

As an aside, I searched pick-n-pulls website and they’ve got quite a few Chargers and 300s. I saw a 2014 listed at the Dallas South location. I’d do some research and find what cars are eligible donors for your application and consider just replacing the affected part with a junkyard piece.

You could go to Awesome Auto Salvage and get parts off of the rare Chrysler 600 :grin:

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