Damaged Live Center

Anybody know why the point on this live center was ground down? Normally there is a point sticking out about 1/4" beyond the ring at the end of the live center.

Whoever did this made turning more dangerous for turners and other shop users.

Have you ever been hit by a bowl that came off a lathe? It’s not fun.

A live center without a point will not hold stock as well as one with a point. Especially if the stock is an out of round bowl blank. The bowl is much more likely to slip out when there is just a ring holding the bowl. A point and a ring has a much better hold. Make sense?

I think the point can be replaced but if not, it’s $130 to replace the live center.


Will do. 0123456789

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Hey Dan - Is that the Live Center for the Oneway lathe? MT2 if I remember correctly?

it is the live center for the powermatic (MT2) it also fits on the Jets. The Oneway tailstock is MT3.

I agree that being struck by a flying or bouncing dish is an unpleasant experience. The primary concern is understanding how such an incident occurred. It’s possible the user witnessed the event but hesitated to report it due to embarrassment or apprehension. Alternatively, someone may have intentionally or unintentionally caused the incident, perhaps by attempting an action they knew to be risky.

@dwolf, I placed it in your beloved storage bucket.

The point in those particular live centers can be removed to allow the center to be used without a point. The can be very difficult as the pressure on the point and dried tree sap and whatever cements the point in the live center. I believe if you can knock out the remnants of that grind down point a new point can be installed. However it may be easier just the leave that one as is and get a new Live Center. They do wear out over time. Yes the One Way has MT 3 in the Tail
Stock and MT 2 in the headstock. The Powermatic is all MT 2.

I’ve never tried to replace a point. I agree that getting out the old point maybe difficult. But what makes us think that the new one won’t have the point ground down like the current one we have?

If we go down the purchase route: The cheapest I could find was at lee valley. with free shipping $120US:

This thing look like it has a lot parts that will become lost. Is that why it is the least expensive? What are the alternatives?

They aren’t parts they are very useful accessories. Some companies sell body only but it is more expensive($132). We still have the accessories for the center drives we have bought in past -amazing!

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I called Oneway earlier…they said they’d ship me the single tip replacement part. Want to try that, first?

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I’m willing to try to fix it, but what will stop the same person grinding it out again?

If we didn’t repair, replace, unfck things that members FUBAR’d, on the basis of “what’s to stop this in the future”, we’d have a pretty empty, boring, ~30,000 sq ft of warehouse space. I suggest we rely on Dory’s life advice and “Just Keep Swimming”.


The replacement part is on its way :truck: