Cyber terrorists infect 500,000 Consumer Routers

Not sure how well of for how long this is/has been known or out there but:

I know some here (@Lampy, @Robert_Davidson, @ESmith, @the_pi_rho) have expressed interest in the past or were already running QNAP. Although I’d expect those interested at that level already are aware of current threat.

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Interesting read,

I love the comments on these articles. You get everything from the top level thoughtful explanation to the sky is falling. I think my favorite comment was the guy demanding the article have all information a list of all solutions in a manner by which he could skim read it. But, he then admits he skimmed the article and might have missed the things he was looking for.

Crap, just realized I enjoy the comments on the DMS threads for the exact same reasons. :smile:


Synology NAS have had (perhaps still have) long-running issues with malware. It’s the nature of pretty much everything with a microprocessor electronics that it’s going to get hacked at some point.

Can safely say I would never directly connect a NAS to the internet.

They’re pitched as multipurpose home servers all the time - personal cloud, home/internet media streaming, remote camera access, even home automation. Doesn’t make it wise to use them as such, but that’s how they’re promoted.

Dumbasses… change the default password before you hook it up to the internet. Sheesh!

Oh, and update firmware regularly!