Hello Dallas Makerspace Talk,
Because this question could lead to using a tool and I not sure where in the MakerSpace
the tool exists the General category was chosen.
The tool would be one that would used to cut several dozen quarter inch tubes
Clear Colorless Acrylic Round Tube – Canal Plastics Center
I have been checked out on the band saw in the woordshop but when the tube has
been cut at home the best luck was had with a common hacksaw, a saw used for
cutting metal.
So the question is: What is the best tool ar Makerspace for cutting clear acrylic plastic
Allen Pitts
Use the band saw in plastic
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Since you are checked out on the Woodshop bandsaw you are allowed to use the plastics bandsaw. The Tools list shows you other tools we have available for working plastics.
FWIW, Plastics is a SIG attached to Machine Shop.
Hello Xccalikid, John_Marlow and the DMS Talk forum,
The excellent replies by Xccalikid and John_Marlow
are appreciated.
This spring I took the exceptionally edifying
sheet metal class by Max Holthaus. In that class
instruction was received on using the
the band saw in the Metal
Machining area. It is surmised that is
the Powermatic band saw.
The Tools List provided a lot of info on
available tools.
Are the Laguna Bandsaw and the Powermatic
band saw both in the Metal Machining area?
Allen Pitts
The Powermatic bandsaw is in the metal portion of Machine Shop. I doubt if you’ll like it on plastic. I also doubt if the speed settings on it are suitable for plastic.
The Laguna bandsaw is in the plastics area adjacent to Machine shop. IIWM this is the saw I would use.