Cut off saw circuit breaker

Last night I was in the blacksmith room using the cut off saw to cut some rebar, and I’m pretty sure I tripped a breaker. Any advice to avoid this in the future? I didn’t think I was pushing it too hard, but maybe I was?

as an electrician, I’d say that’s most likely what happened. But perhaps someone knows if there’s a history? Breakers can start nuisance tripping as they begin to go bad.

This circuit breaker for the chop saw is located in the breaker box behind the doors immediately adjacent to the blacksmithing shop. Joe Brown, who was the past chairman of the committee, would go into the room and reset the breaker.

I am not an electrician, but my father was and I spent a lot of time as his apprentice, and my belief is that the circuit breaker is either faulty or there is something other than the chop saw on the circuit. It has tripped on me in the past and I didn’t have anything else in the shop running.

The circuit should be looked at by a qualified electrician to determine fault. IMHO

I’m glad it wasn’t just me. Good to know where the breaker box is, thank you