Creative Arts Timeline for Open House - looking for afternoon people

@kyrithia do you want to hand off the spinning to someone else and do a day of spinning in that corner?
We had a tad of shifting happen with the timeslots for open house. I’m still really excited about the day and the opportunities we will be showing. If anyone would like to step up and demo or show off let me know and we will add you. It would be nice to have a partner for Ray in the morning with the silkscreen because he’s doing double duty that day.
PR will be selling “limited addition” tote bags.

Do you just want someone working on a project who can explain what they are doing while they are working?

I could do a slot for an hour or two working on my 8 bit quilted flannel pillowcases. It would pretty much just be sewing, but I could have multiple stages of the construction available for people to see the entire process from start to finish. The pillowcases are 20" by 20" when finished, so I would need to use about 1/2 of the bowling table to set up the sewing machine and have space for the materials, or if you want the entire process laid out I could use the entire table and have the cutting mat with disc cutter, etc available to see as well.

This is what one of the assembled pillowcase fronts looks like (it’s a Lander from the Defender arcade video game):

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Well the person who was in but was out is back in so the bowling table is taken up. I love the project and I think people would be interested. Could you setup on the other tables very well?

Not really, if the kissing tables are the higher ones. Not really a good height to sew at for me.

I’m fine to let them take over my slot as that looks way cooler than me explaining the serger

Do you want to demo mat cutting? We should have the new one up today.

I’d more or less planned on setting up spinning in morning and doing it a good part of the day if space/time after me remains open

You have the space for as long as you want

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You can put me for 3-5 on the Vinyl cutter

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Ok - This is what I have as of Monday - Amelia back in and Adam in
@Hardsuit let me know if you want to do mat cutting