On top of discord, I’ve made an instructional video on setting up Google Meet events for video conferencing. No software to install, video, traditional dial in, up to 100 participants.
I don’t have link handy but will share when I get home.
Online class potential is high. I’m planning metal hot process online, rewriting the automotive 101 for online was already in the works, and some others
And I might have the wrong question.
Is your info about viewing the online upcoming board meeting?
I cannot vote, and I am a new member, but I was interested to see what goes on at the meeting, discussions etc.
Can I use the link you mention to view the meeting? Or will it be video taped for membership viewing?
I am unfamiliar with the technology used in the link. Do I have to ‘watch’ in real time as the meeting is taking place? Thru an app I can download on my phone?
Apologies for the beginner ‘tech’ questions.
If you have time to answer please do. TY
The board meeting will be joinable online for audio. Once we have more info we will post it. The only voting that takes place during a board meeting is by board members.
Is your info about viewing the online upcoming board meeting?
I am unfamiliar with the technology used in the link. Do I have to ‘watch’ in real time as the meeting is taking place? Thru an app I can download on my phone?
If you have time to answer please do. TY
My comments regarding efforts tomorrow, and chat. in general are geared to instructing folks HOW to present virtually rather than in a traditional instructor led training (ILT) course. Your questions are very reasonable. At this time I expect the board will hold their meeting online, and will most likely be streamed. As to which platform, they have not stipulated yet. For much of the membership streaming is a new territory.
I have professionally instructed online sessions in the past 5 years via sametime, lync, skype for business, zoom, and Microsoft teams. I will be reviewing the google offerings tomorrow and ensuring we have a clear guide for both the experienced, and the “newbie”
I can tell you traditionally that @PearceDunlap has been faithfully broadcasting audio at the 2020 regularly scheduled board meetings via discord, and I have been confirming the audio quality on each.
Because the meeting will be 100% virtual, there may not be a video feed.
Audio feed would be great! Probably/possibly a visual/video feed is not needed. I also thought if members could read what went on/what was said, that would be fine too. But that probably requires a stenographer or some other kind of technology :))
If you want to DM me I’m happy to help you. Lol online teaching and flipped class has been my thing for a while, it’s just mandatory now for everyone else.
As much as I hate necromancy and tagging large groups, @Committee_Chairs please see this video in the first post to understand how to setup a Google Meet event. If you have additional questions feel free to ask me.
I recommend recording meetings, as you can toss them into a shared google drive and attach a link to the minutes. If your committee does not have a shared team drive, or you need help accessing it, open an issue.
I have a Google Meet set up for the class I’m (waiting on showing in the calendar) scheduling for the 3rd of September. How do I put it on the calendar event without everyone who is not signing up seeing it?
You can email the students the information privately, but there is not a way in the calendar at this time to just show it to the students only. We could put it on a feature roadmap to have a “students only” data field where, once registered, it will send the contents to the student.
You know, I’m not sure that someone can see the “special notes” unless they’ve just signed up. OTOH, I don’t think you can get back to that to review it.