Counter-Sink Drill bits?

Quick question, does the shop have a set of counter sink drill bits? This would be for drilling 0.325" aluminum bar. I went by this morning and looked in the cabinets and couldn’t find any, although I may have missed it.


To be honest,I do not recall.

OTOH, one is always advised that buying your own bits guarantees their sharpness. Or, at least you know the status of the sharpness…

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There are some assorted countersinks in the grey cabinet . Can’t guarantee they are sharp. If you want a flat bottomed countersink, technically a counter bore, use an end mill on the Bridgeport .

I found a countersink. I don’t recall the angle but I put it in the yellow case with edgefinders/small end mills to make it easier for you to find.


There’s a bigger one in the metal shop that we used for the welding tables. Also not sure of the angle

Thank you Tim. I really appreciate it.