Coolant leak 92 ranger

Since I’m waiting on a wheel cylinder for the first issue with my truck, a new one just cropped up.

I’m leaking coolant from what might be the water pump. Am I on the right track? (Arrow pointing to the rivulet of antifreeze.)

I think that stuff is fluorescent…right? Pretty sure, at least. If so, maybe you can use that to track original source of leak. Unless what you were asking was “is the arrow pointing at the after pump?”

Ok, what I’ve marked in red is your water pump and what is marked with yellow is your timing chain cover.

What it looks like is that the timing chain cover has started leaking around the water jacket/path.

This could be nothing more than just a leak to keep an eye on for future planning or it could be leaking worse on the inside of the timing chain cover and mixing coolant with the oil.

You would have to check/change your oil to know for sure.

If you do decide to go ahead and replace the gasket on the timing chain cover, get a timing set because it will come with new timing chains, sprockets and all gaskets and you might as well go ahead and change out the timing chain just to be on the safe side while you’re in there so you don’t have to do that later down the road, lol

There appear to be two heater hoses connected above the water pump. You can see the hose clamps above the water pump.

I would start with some other camera angles to see if it is one of the hoses, higher on the timing cover/water pump than we can see in this angle.

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Thanks guys! I, uh… “fixed” it. I’ll spare the automotive purists the details, but let’s just say it cost about $10, came in a bottle, and took about 30m.

From the looks of it, I don’t think it was a hose, and I’m not wanting to disassemble my car just yet.

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