Title: Acquire Committee storage drawers to be racked in Racky McRackface.
Author: Dwight Spencer (@denzuko)
Summary : Committee items are stilled boxed up and now itterling all over display shelves. This is harmful to the committee. The server rack was acquired to store committee tools, equipment, and projects. To finish this we would need to purchase or compensate @denzuko for the following items:
Denzuko can volunteer to order 3 units on behalf of the committee given there is a receipt for the donation and reimbursement for the purchase. Denzuko also volunteers to pull cable for the rack, clean displays (dust, wash, etc), and orignize equipment upon unit delivery.
Total Budget: $206.80
Reimbursements annualized: $17.24
Returns gained:
- Additional committee storage
- Addressed Board concerns over committee area
- Improved workspace within committee area