[Community Voice] Giving a voice to Racky McRackface

Remember how ZX Spectrum and the BBC use to broadcast programs, games, art, and zines via BASICODE over the airwaves?

Well a few of us do and it’s time that we had our own show. I present to you the potential voice for our new DMS maker radio shows Datagrams Packet show and the host of our e-Zine audio/visual edition.

Candidate A

Candidate B

Candidate C


@Team_VCC and DMS Membership, vote below

  • Candidate A
  • Candidate B
  • Candidate C

0 voters

I’m gonna have to listen to this when i get home.

what are you using to do the voices? curious.

I prefer the Brit accent of 3, I like the phrasing of 1, I also heard fewer synthesized artifacts in 1.

I like C too, but A was easier to understand