Committee Space Secured

Walk through starts on Sept 17th with move over at the same time with all the other committees. We now have double the space 11x6. Plus as usual doing committee events, classes, etc. will be scheduled in the Community Area or Computer labs.

Great job everyone! We’ll discuss this further at our next committee meeting. If your wanting to be there at the walk through PM @Team_VCC, that includes you SDC, so we know how many bottles of Dew (or bubbly drink of choice) to bring


I just tried that hack.

Instead of Uncategorized making it through the cone of silence, it is not visible except when the category is explicitly chosen.


So I guess this answers my question about why Dwight’s posts are always uncategorized… :slight_smile:

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So I guess this answers my question about why Dwight’s posts are always uncategorized…

And all over the places plus filled with too many acronyms apparently :wink:

wait almost forgot the acronyms… GTD #FTW :stuck_out_tongue:

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I took this to be your version of gatekeeper: “if you can’t decipher my jargon, this is not the conversation for you. Move along now.” But maybe you don’t mean that… :wink:

I took this to be your version of gatekeeper: “if you can’t decipher my jargon, this is not the conversation for you. Move along now.” But maybe you don’t mean that… :wink:

oh hell no! Sure google dorking is fun but damn, I’m an open book and usually hit up by a million and one interconnected ideas that most gloss over after hearing the first two half points. Add in “I hate typing and writing” syndrome because of that and could write a novel on the subject. Add about six cups of coffee then you got me on a calm day.

Point being. Ask. I’m literally here to share all this stuff with you guys for free as a friend not be a dick and keep it to myself or sell it to the next highest bidder.


I’ll try to keep that in mind… :+1:

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I would like to see all the acronyms get setup in the Computer and Software Committee or whatever other general name makes you happy.

VCC does not fit as a correct Committee title. It is perfect for a SIG.

Do you need help with this to get it on the next agenda? It needs to be submitted by 7pm on September 15th.