Committee Chair Elections - Deadline 9/30 - Schedule by 9/14

To all @Committee_Chairs:

Per @Photomancer

CRITICAL: All Committees must hold Chairpersons election by September 30th. Your election meeting needs to be submitted to the calendar no later than September 14.

Elections must be announced on the calendar 14 days in advance - allow 48 hours for them to clear the calendar audit review. That is 16 days total so they must be submitted by September 14th. Get them submitted.

The election meeting does not force that date to be your regular meeting date going forward; you can decide that at that meeting if wanted.

Nominees (both newly-elected or re-elected) are eligible for confirmation at the 9/17 Board Meeting if they are submitted to the Board agenda by 7:00 pm on 9/15. There is a template posted so all you have to do is add the committee name, nominee name, and election date.

EDIT: Thanks to @talkers, a more-or-less complete listing of election meetings is listed at this post.


Does this include committees that just held fresh elections?

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Does “schedule by” mean published on the calendar by or submitted to the calendar by.

I ask because a committee chair election was recently deleted by an unknown admin on the grounds that it did not meet the two week requirement. If it had not been rejected, the meeting may well have been approved on sight by one of the other admins as had been SOP and it would have been well within the two week window.

Was the election to fill a vacancy of the prior chair that was vacated early or was it to fill the next term?

He is asking about Metal Shop chair. The initial election had been invalidated because it did not have two weeks of advance notice. A second election was held on Aug 4.

So that would be filling a vacancy, not election for the term going through to the spring, correct?

Technically, yes, but it seems a waste to hold yet another election.

I do agree its a little short notice but understand the consideration and welcome the challenge. @Team_VCC and SDC will be seeking new seats for co chair and discussing the next six month planning at our committee meeting and online for preparation of the upcoming voting session.

Laser says ditto.
Our next First Sunday (see what we did there?) Maintenance + Meeting is on Labor Day Weekend.
Am choosing to keep that on the schedule even if turnout is light as I’m out of town on the 9th.
Too soon for a vote, so am polling Team Laser on a private thread for an additional date.

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I rejected it because it would not have been within the 2 week notice (the whole idea of two weeks notice is to let the public know so why would we count the days that the public can’t see it??) with the purgatory period and we had just been through that with metal shop. I also let the submitter know why and that they should resubmit. This was all before the board meeting so it would not count for the fall elections to my mind.


The SOP has been for calendar admins to approve official events like committee meetings on sight. Unfortunately, you saw it before Stan did.

Edit: had that meeting been published immediately, it was within the required window.

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Creative Arts September 11th 7p in the CA room
We will also be brainstorming the “general arts” area that night. @BarkingChicken


Ceramics is having their election 9/14 at 7pm.

Infrastructure Vote is on the 19th

Electronics has mtng scheduled for nxt Thurs. 9/13
7:30p Interactive Rm
I’m running for anther term to see us through the move and getting settled in.
Nominations/voting/etc. will be first on the agenda.
A word about proxies:
I prefer you give your proxies to someone attending the mtng.
Someone asked about having a list of names.
That will work provided names have signatures and dates.

Just as a reminder … you can add committee name, nominee name, and election date to the existing board agenda item. We don’t need 23 separate agenda items.

EDIT: I see the following committees have held their elections but have not yet posted their nominee to the Board Agenda. Anyone can add the name - it doesn’t have to be the chair:

Classroom: 09-09-2018-20-00. Sept 9th
Digital Media: Sept 9
GlassWorks: Sept 7th, 7pm.
Logistics, 6th of september.
Vector: Sept 6 8pm

I added Metal shop thinking the BOD was this Monday. Lol 6:58, only to realize its the following Monday.