Color Pass Assignments in Illustrator

Anyone know how to get the Lasersaur to recognize different color passes? Is it based on each layer being assigned a color?

Yes, different laser passes can be determined by different stroke colors in the source file. If the colors show up in other applications but not for the Lasersaur try copying and pasting the contents into a new blank file.

Copying and pasting to a new Illustrator file?

Illustrator or Inkscape, whatever your preference is. It fixes most issues that I’ve encountered.

Ok. I’ll try that. Thanks.

Hey Luke. I keep having problems getting the lasersaur to connect and import my file. It’s always random; sometimes it will connect but a lot of the time it doesn’t.

I’ve had several people look at it, but no permanent fix has been made. Had to leave empty handed, twice.

I have had this problem a lot. Luke has advised me to turn off and then unplug the Lasersaur for several minutes, then restart. I don’t remember whether he told me to reboot the computer during this time but I always do. Oddly enough, many times this fixes the problem.

All else fails, read the manual (re color paths/tags). Regarding it not reading your file, I have had great difficulty with that machine and ultimately just gave up on it. The common denominator was that the file was designed in Illustrator .92 and the version that was on the (new) PC was .48 and things just didn’t work out right. Converting objects to paths didn’t help. So I just switch to the full spectrum and never looked back. Add that to the issue of power resetting when using > 85% power, just too frustrating to deal with. I haven’t used it in a couple of months so I do not have recent hands on experience with it.

One problem with the inkscape v.91 vs. v.48 is opacity. The older version seems to assume 100% opacity for all layers. The new version doesn’t assume this so unless you manually set each layer opacity to 100% the lasers (and any other vector item like the vinyl cutter) don’t see that layer.

I seem to recall that the opacity control is at the bottom of the screen, just marked with an O.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I got it fixed. Apparently, my file was just too much for the Lasersaur to handle, so I broke it down into smaller segments and it’s working.