I’m afraid that the cold saw is down. Tonight when I was cutting a piece of 2x2 11 gauge tubing at a 45 degree the piece slipped in the vice. I was a second slow to the kill switch and the blade broke.
I tagged the saw out and left the broken blade on the vice to make it clear what the issue is.
This is the first machine I’ve damaged and I feel bad about it… sorry
Actually last week I had an issue cutting a 45 degree in square tubing. Luckily I was right on top of it and had to lay down the pressure manually to make sure the blade didn’t jump off track. I had to really crank hard on the vice and manually lay down the blade to get through the several 45 degree angle cuts I did
the vise is supposed to float on the central mount. It locks when the vise is tightened properly. The movement is now sticky so the tightening mechanism does not always work. on a square cut doesn’t matter too much, but angled cuts break the blade.
@portmanm, looks like you lucked out. The equipment had a problem and caused the blade to break. @procterc adjusted the locking collar that was loose. Him and I replaced the blade, followed by testing it. Here is a test cut