We’re planning on adopting a much reduced set of standard bits for the CNC router, which we keep stocked and maintained, and removing most of the oddball bits from the vCarve tool library and cabinet. The question remaining, is what bits to stock, that will meet user needs for most work? I’ve discussed this with Alex, Matt, Andrew, etc, but wanted to hear any other thoughts you might share. The objective, is to stock a maintanable set of bits, to keep costs low, so we can replace dull or broken bits and collets on a regular basis.
Normal materials we will address, include hardwood, softwood, plywood, MDF, laminated MDF, Acrylic, HDPE
Proposed Basic Set:
60 degree vBit, 3/4 diameter x2
90 degree vBit, 3/4 diameter x2
1/8 End mill upcut x1
1/4 end mill upcut x3
3/8 endmill upcut x1
1/8 End Mill, downcut 2 flute x1
1/4 End Mill, downcut 2 flute x3
1/8 Compression, plunge tip x1
1/4 Compression, plunge tip x2
3/8 Compression 3 flute chipbreaker x1
Plastics (Acrylic, HDPE, Polycarbonate)
1/8 “O” bit, single flute (Plastic) x1
1/4 “O” bit, single flute x1
1/8 Ballnose, 2 flute x1
1/4 Ballnose, 2 flute x1
1/2" end mill (resharpened)
1/8" x2
1/4" x2
3/8" x1
1/2" x1
***List modified to reflect discussion
Thoughts and suggestions?