CNC router table questions

I’m setting up a job and have run in to 2 issues. The 1st is that I’m cutting a full 4x8 sheet of material and have set up the toolpaths to cut within those boundaries, but I’m getting an ‘O Bounds’ error on Y or X, depending on which XY datum I choose. I had always used it in default position but with an out of bounds error, showing either the full length or width as the amount out, I tried to flip it each of the 4 ways to no avail. What am I doing wrong?
2ns issue is that as part of the process of troubleshooting this, I rebooted the table and since the reboot, the draw down vacuum motor will. Ot come on when selecting ‘ON’

The second issue was resolved when it was discovered that the plastic barrel inside the on/off switch for the draw down vacuum had come out of alignment and after being adjusted back to it’s correct position, now allows the vacuum to once again be turned on.

I’m still waiting for feedback on the 1st issue…



For anyone that cares, I finally rotated thr project in VCarve 90 degrees and everything was fine. Noticed this whe I ran the gantry to the back of the table and it was showing movement on the X axis (?!?).
Why in the world is the table thinking that the long side is X??


It’s always been weird like that…

Here’s an informative drawing I did once during an online collaborative document editing session. Its primary purpose was comedic effect while I waited for the other person editing the document to stumble upon it:

(it also shows how Z is positive into the board)


Yeah I think I’ve always missed that being a prominent thing because most of my jobs have been pretty small, not taking up an entire sheet. Once I flipped it around, no problem whatsoever.

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My guess is to conform to most graphs … you don’t often see a graph that has a longer Y axis than X axis. That said, different manufacturers have different orientations. My first CNC was the opposite, so switching to Multicam was a bit of a mind warp for awhile.

My guess is that it’s because most computer monitors operate in landscape orientation.

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And, the machine can be operated “flow through” where sheets of plywood are automatically moved onto the machine across a narrow side, cut, then moved off the machine across the opposite narrow side. The operator would have to be positioned along a long side or be run over by plywood. So, an operator standing at the machine would see a long side going from left-to-right (X axis) and a short side going fore-to-aft (Y axis).