CNC help - want to learn and operate the CNC machine

The machine ate itself? H.B., machines don’t eat themselves. Machine operators who are insufficiently trained and/or have no sense of ownership of community machines destroy them because “someone else will fix or replace it.”

We are trying like hell to stop this “customer” attitude among members. We could have so much nice stuff if we didn’t spend money on destroyed tools, lost 10mm sockets and lasers that went up in flames while the operator sat and watched it happen.

This thread has gotten out of hand and multiple posts have been deleted. If there are complaints to be made to the committee and/or Board of directors then by all means make them, otherwise let’s keep it somewhat on the topic of the woodshop CNC.

Hmmm. Some of mine have been deleted but I didn’t delete them. I’m certain some behind the scenes action is happening and it probably needed to because at least one post was basically doxxing me.

Relevant complaints have been made to board.