Close up camera for classes

Throwing this into Creative Arts just because.

Here’s what I’m thinking:
It would be great to have a camera set up for hands-on classes that can do a close up and have it live feed to a monitor in the classroom. My goal is to set it up so that participants don’t have to crowd around to be able to see. I have no idea how to make this happen, other than to go to Fry’s/Best Buy/MicroCenter and hope that what the 16 year old tells me to buy, works.

Thoughts and suggestions?

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I think that any Web cam attached to your laptop and fed into the HDMI feed should work.

Do we have a portable projector or portable tv/monitor at the space?

I don’t think so, but we do have 500 up/down Internet. In theory, you could broadcast to student laptops.

We have a large TV mounted to rolling cart that is used for video games, but you should be able to wheel it out and hook other things to it.

I think the TV/roly-cart is probably the best way to manage it. I’ll play with it tonight to see what parts I’ll need.


There is a web cam in the Lecture Hall in a plastic bin which was put there
for that purpose. I think that the idea that was that you plug the webcam
into your laptop, use your favorite software on your laptop to view what is
on the webcam, then hook up your laptop to the projector.