Cleanup Tool Suggestion

We cleaned up after woodshop basics last night. One thing I think would be a useful investment is one of these:

about $30-40 depending on source

I’ve usually referred to it as a “Grain Hog” - a lightweight aluminum or plastic shovel designed for moving low density material in volume. I have one that I use al the time. Handy as a snow shovel on the rare occasion I’ve needed one.

So. Any member can spend up to $50 and be reimbursed (via the expense report) for that expense. Probably it’s quicker if you just buy the shovel, rather that count on Woodshop people to pick it up.

Plus, for items like this, it always speeds up the process if the chair (probably overworked, especially Woodshop) doesn’t have to do any research to buy an item. If you really wanted them to buy it, a link is a good idea.

Which reminds me – I need to pick up a step-ladder for the Galley…

Didn’t want to go make a purchase with out some consensus.

I’d like to see it, but I’m not sure it would be widely appreciated. Hence “Suggestion” as part of the title.

Though I’ll be more than happy to pick one up and get reimbursed if that ends up being agreed.

How tall? I may have a spare 6 footer. I suspect you want something shorter.

Normally the filters aren’t that bad…

But as a friendly reminder to those that use the Woodshop…
>>Please check the Felder BEFORE you start working!<<

It fills up quickly and easily plugs the filters and is extremely messy when you have to clean everything up.


I’m just looking for one of those smaller ones – 4 ft is the size that we used to have in the Galley.

Do-ocracy it, no consensus needed only consent.

Quickest way: Just PM the chair and ask if objection, then no issue.

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The wood turners can create many cubic feet of chips in a session.

@dwolf what do you use to clear the floor after your turning sessions? Would a grain shovel be helpful?

Grain shovel would be nice. I use a dust pan but have to get down the floor. I’m getting to old to get up off the floor.


I’ll try and grab one tomorrow unless someone beats me to it

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That may have been the personal step stool that belonged to @jrkriehn

It was exactly the same model, but it said “Galley” on it. I don’t think I’ve laid eyes on it since the shut-down. Although, I do think I’ve seen the one that had her name on it, although not recently.

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I found a step stool yesterday and put it in the galley.


When I do this how do I make a reimbursement claim. My understanding is that a member can do up to $50 on their own initiative, but the policy on the wiki implies prior approval.

@SWA ??



@dryad2b can you help @ozindfw out on how to get setup in accountng?
Thank you.


Thanks for doing this. I suggest you mark this prominently with WOODSHOP for fear that it will walk away over to the box of oil sorb.


Much easier! Thanks!


I have a label in my bag that I’ll bring tomorrow.