Cleaning throttle body

Continuing the discussion from Oil Filter Removal Tool?:

Anyone have tips on this procedure to avoid the “bubbles of overheat” when doing this procedure?

My 99 Corolla was no problem, just filled w/ coolant and drove off. My '04 V6 4-Runner and '06 hybrid Highlander are a pain. Just have to keep squeezing the upper rad hose to burp the air out while adding coolant.

Maybe you could pinch the hoses off before disconnecting them. I doubt there’s much coolant in the TB, it probably won’t even matter.

Isn’t there typically a bleeder screw/bolt on the head somewhere to be sure there is no trapped air?

if you don’t have them already when you replace the radiator hose you can get bleeder hose if you don’t have it stock.

Yes, there is a bleeder “screw” (actually, a plastic turn valve) to let out the bubbles. However, like Bryan mentioned, you have to get the air over to it to let it out. :frowning:

I’ve heard of pumping it down to a vacuum and letting that push coolant into the lines. Seems science-y.

Yikes! I’m not sure I’d try that w/ the plastic tanks on the radiator.