Clausing Colchester 13”

Clausing Colchester 13” is not turning on, so I was wondering, can anybody take a look at it? I did everything I could put it in neutral and check everything. Can’t understand why it’s not turning on appreciate the help.

This is what Tim said it took last time

Don’t know if that’ll help.


I came in this morning clausing colchester 13 is still turning on
So if somebody can flip the switch back on or can teach me how to do it
I don’t think you saw that difficult to flip a switch, but it could be other procedure to check it will to learn
My schedules is open

I don’t want to put words in @TBJK 's mouth, but Thursday nights are generally Machine Shop office hours and he can most likely show you then.

Great I be there

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Typically about 6pm to about 8pm.

It was in gear

Darn, thought I checked that.