Classroom Reservation Inquiry

I want to hostess an ornament wood slice painting event on either 12/4 or 12/18 open to general public for 15 spots for $15 how do I go about reserving a room?

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I’ll be at DMS tonight and tomorrow night - feel free to PM me if you want to meet me one of those times to go over it or schedule a different time. If it’s open to the general public we strongly prefer that it is scheduled in the north lobby classroom because it’s a lot easier to work the door. If you want to schedule in a different classroom you’ll need to take any non-members to the classroom. All non-members must sign a waiver.

I’d be happy to put your event on our social media if you like. If you’re interested in that PM me to discuss.

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Awesome, yes. Would love to meet this evening if able to discuss details. Let’s shoot for the December 18th time slot.

When is a good time. I’ll have my baby with me. Hope that’s ok. Will work on a flyer today and will send a proof.

Let me know if I need to make changes.

I gotta ask…why aren’t donations for this being directed to DMS? We are a non-profit, and this is taking place here and using our resources?



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I guess my passion has just been building up our nonprofit Figured as a paying member it’d be enough to reserve a classroom. I’m bringing the supplies.


Yep…I feel the same way about DMS. Our mission certainly includes helping other charities and charitable organizations, .e.g. we sponsor eagle scouts/projects and the pinewood derby groups that come in each year. There is nothing technically wrong with your what you ar doing; you are a member and members can schedule classes and we like people from “out there” to come in here and participate.

This is the first time (at least that I can remember) that a member used a classroom here to garner donations for a different organization. Some history: there was a time here when one couldn’t even schedule a classroom, there we so many and demand was so great. So that is what is on my mind, for the most part…we are OK now as our expansion created more room/rooms, and Covid has a lingering impact on our membership levels, but I worry about the precedent being set…in fact it’s not hard to imagine someone joining here solely for the purpose of using our classrooms for the direct benefit of external people and organizations. Speaking at least for myself I don’t think that is something we really should incentivize, or at the very least should be very careful with.

Worth noting" I was fully supportive of this thread and your objectives (neat project/class!)…until I saw the donation part. As always, our BoD will decide on such things…

FWIW, presumably DMS does not have a problem with a class with $20 going directly to the instructor (plenty charge for private instruction).

As such, I personally don’t see a problem with the proceeds going to another non-profit.

Of course what people do with their own money is up to them, e.g. what they might spend an honorarium on made via teaching. This scenario is different, and the question is more one of opening Pandora’s box. Members who have been around awhile (incl you, of course) will remember that the honorarium program itself was so overused as well as being taken advantage of that it put the organization at risk. So an example of good intentions or lax oversight/thoughtfulness leading to bad outcomes.

Can it be $20 payable to the instructor through the CART website?

I just worked my tail off getting the funding channels to go through when setting up the website. I have another registered nonprofit, but hit road blocks with banking. This one had a framework that was already in place from previous members, and just needed some TLC on accessibility.

This isn’t a side hustle. It’s philanthropical. Art helps heal. It’s good for mental health.

Will put in the

class request now.

I wasn’t talking about honorarium: I was referring to classes which charge $10’s to $100+ per person on top of the DMS out of pocket for honorarium.

Here’s one example: I blanked out the instructor’ name because I’m not trying to single anyone out. This is just the first $100+ class I spotted on the calendar tonight.

@katehughey : you are doing nothing against the rules. Please understand: I don’t think you are trying to pull a fast one or anything like that. I am pointing out a problem with what we allow…I alluded to historical issues we’ve had along similar lines in my previous post.

@HankCowdog: as it’s wandering a bit now, so let’s switch to a separate thread if its important enough to pursue honorarium vs student direct pay.

Thank you. Says server is down when trying to schedule a class. I’ll try again tomorrow.

@Julie-Harris it says “request is black holed” when trying to make the class request. Will try from desktop not cell phone later today.

@Julie-Harris I tried setting up the event from desktop. It conflicted with another time. I swapped the time. It then gave me the same error message…

I figured it out. I accessed from desktop explorer not chrome and it went through.

Unless there is a huge cost of materials I think asking $150 for a Makerspace class is way too much. I would request the BOD look into this and figure out what is appropriate and what is not.