Challenge to Machine Shop

Expansion Team is looking for volunteers to paint. Machine Shop is getting the majority of the walls that have zero paint on them.

I’d like to see Machine Shop step up and paint the two walls next to us. That is half of the warehouse.
I’ll put in the first $50 towards eats and drinks.

Would like to see the rest of the 5 or 6 committees in that room challenge their members to do the half.


Time & Date


Me too. Time and date.

don’t forget an EXPANSION category has been created for work opportunities. But a challenge should not go unanswered. I’ll look for the time/date to see if I can make it.

When do you need the lift for the Metal Shop work?

We will be done with the lift in Metal Shop today. We have our last piece of duct work to place today.

OK, cool. So painting could commence any time after that. (although there is some drywall patching that also needs to be done on that wall …)

To all that answered the call - my schedule is very flexible, I work with you. So let’s get this done.

  • Patching Party - Day Time
  • Priming Party - Day Time (this can probably immediately follow the patching as by the time we get the the end the beginning will be dry enough for primer
  • Painting Party - same as with patching

The lower areas that can be gotten without a brush can be done without the lift.

Chris any other suggestions? I believe it will be spray guns, correct? The type where the hose goes into the paint bucket and siphons it out.

I won’t be available during the day except for weekends.

Personally I think these will be evening work sessions if during the week.

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There are currently two lifts. A big one in 102, and a smaller one in 104.

All I need is a time and date, I’m available most weekends and nights.

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What do you mean, there are two lifts??

There’s a smaller one in Metal Shop and a larger one in the warehouse.

The warehouse one is probably for the HVAC contractors.

My guess is two people each ordered a lift.

Does one belong to the HVAC guy?

The blue one the HVAC guys had has been replaced with a different one.

Would be glad to help and can possibly bring a couple of helpers too for patch/paint stuff. Please propose a time and date.

Have we got compound for the patching and are any of the patches big enough to need some drywall?

I’ll have to check, but I may have half a box of lightweight compound in my garage.