Ok folks, the electric chainsaw in the woodshop has a sharp new chain.
Report from the first user says it cuts wonderfully.
This should help with breaking down turning material.
Ok folks, the electric chainsaw in the woodshop has a sharp new chain.
Report from the first user says it cuts wonderfully.
This should help with breaking down turning material.
In the past, I had suggested that a chainsaw sharpener would be a good tool for DMS to have, but others suggested that it was “too dangerous”. This baffles my mind. We can have a chainsaw, but not a tool to make the chainsaw safer? They’re pretty cheap and I’m guessing that it’d get a good bit of use from us homeowners who have a chainsaw as a tree limb clearing device.
A chain saw sharpener is a great idea, but and as always there is a but, who is going to be the person using it. While there may be one of the Woodshop clan capable, I would rather have a professional do this job for a few dollars.
The chain that was on the saw was very dull and could not be sharpened. Thus the new chain.
FWIW, I have a chain sharpener that I’d be glad to bring in and show folks how to use. It’s pretty simple and safe to do. Takes about 5 minutes per blade once the blade is removed from the saw.
I could set up an evening where many folks brought in their chains for sharpening. If there is demand here, please let me know and I’ll set it up.
I recommend having three chains for your saw. The current one, and two sharp ones. Swapping out the chain only takes a couple of minutes and having a sharp one in reserve is a good idea for while your out cutting wood. I store mine in a Tupperware sandwich container with a bit of cardboard between the two spare chains.
As the Chair points out, sharpeners only improve the situation when the sharpener knows what they’re on about. Things like rake depth and tooth angle are of significantly importance and most laymen have no idea at all how to do them properly.
Not that it’s terribly complicated, but people who have never had a tooth gauge explained to them really should not be trying to sharpen chains.