Ceramics Kiln news August 2020

Let’s see it! :slight_smile:

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No pics? :frowning:

Well, we took pics… Lots of pumpkins…

I did teach a class but am also working on holiday gifts for friends and fam ahead of time. Have a few more pumpkin classes on the books too.

When’s the next bisque going in? I put my leaves on the bisque shelf a week ago and have been delaying coming to the space until it’s done. :cry:

That was my bad, made the post and was waiting to post while pictures were uploading got busy trimming and forgot to press reply. Sorry for delay

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There is a load in right now…cooling though…hopefully your pieces are in there :+1:


I sure hope they’re in there! I’ve been patiently twiddling my thumbs for a week. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The bisque shelf was pretty empty when I put them there, so it’s not much of a surprise that it took so long. I’m sure it took awhile to get enough to items for a bisque firing.