Ceramic Kiln News November 2023

Hi all, I had thought I had uploaded these but it didn’t go through:

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So – the kiln team has a question about this “stilt” thing. Is this handmade, and what wire did you use? We would appreciate any information. The chipping is causing concern.


Unloaded bisque

Unloaded glaze!

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Unloaded bisque from paragon

Glaze unloaded!

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Items got placed on needs attention shelf. Check it out if you can’t find your piece.

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Decided to come take a peek in the thread. Whoever made that octopus plate, not sure how you did that but I love it!!


If you are talking about my big spoon rest, I have a big wooden octopus stamp that came from India :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is it this one :heart_eyes:

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Yes ma’am :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone,

Our kiln team knows what has been going on, but I wanted to update our whole community:

We ordered the new kiln at the end of September and the estimated wait time was 6 weeks, but the current estimation now is the week before Christmas. We were hoping to have it for the holiday season rush, but we will not. Further complications: our skutt kiln that we usually fire our bisque in is currently down. We are actively working on getting it fixed, but things are taking longer than normal.

If you have holiday gifts you are trying to get out by Christmas, they need to already be on the shelves or be put there by Friday. This is still not a guarentee that they will make it all the way through in time, but we are trying.

Please remember NO WET PIECES ON THE GREENWARE FIRING SHELF. Items need to be completely dry before placing on the shelf. If we put pieces that have any amount of moisture in, it corrodes the metal parts on the kiln and leads to more instances where we are down a kiln.

If you need things now, we recommend firing out of house (it costs money but if you do it now you will be sure to get it out in time for the holiday) at one of our neighboring studios:

FCS Clayworks in Garland

Texas Pottery in Haltom City

Again, you don’t have to do this, we will likely be able to get items on the shelf now out by the holiday, but we wanted to to give everyone plenty of heads up and some alternative options just in case.

Thanks for bearing with us!