Cedars Union & shout-out on KERA

KERA just mentioned us in conjunction with a new arty-focused makerspace development going up in early 2017 called Cedars Union. Likely to be more expensive and less geeky… but what do I know?

Heard any good rumors?


According to the website, it is an artist incubation center located south of I-30 / downtown near Southside on Lamar.

Heard any good rumors?

I am somewhat familiar with the model and an analogous ongoing equivalent would be the Sammons Art Center which was started back in the 1980s. (I have toured their facility and gave a presentation there not terribly long ago)

Likely to be more expensive and less geeky… but what do I know?

The SAC is designed to provide business infrastructure (shared offices, printers, Internet access, etc.) as well as workshop and display space for those who are focused on making their art their primary vocation. Also, they are financed more through fund raising and endowments as opposed to the member owned DMS.

I would say the SAC is more dedicated to very specific goals and less inclined to be a controlled chaos environment like our organization.

My gut reaction to the Cedars is that they are more towards our end of the spectrum, but regardless of my thoughts, it may be worth reaching out to both of them as I can’t see anything wrong with potential synergy and crossover. (inviting their artists to speak, present, invite us in to look around or join, etc.)

I am sure we could learn from each other.

JAG “Connecting Tribes Through Our Vibes” MAN

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