Even if this car is sold or does not work out, if anyone knows of a cheap car for sale I am on the lookout for a basic decent reliable car that can pass inspection and has working heat/AC that can hold out for atleast a few months for under $1500-2000 range. My friend is trying to find something soon since the weather will soon be getting worse and relying on Dart for most transportation needs is not very fun when it is freezing cold or raining…
I got an 88 735i that might be convinced to part with
Then again…a 1999 Lexus GS going for 500 and just needs an alternator… yeah if I wasn’t trying to stay off the road then I’d be buying that already
ok… looks like it has an oil leak so meh…
that’s an E32 with the M30B35 straight 6, right?
Very nice!
Why is it not your DD?
Stick or Auto?
Wait. Doesn’t matter. I can’t have anyway…
Got a huge weak spot for these, though not as weak as for the E28 (esp. M5 but who doesn’t lust after those?).
yes and its an automatic transmission
Why its not my DD well kind of was but its got extremely low mileage for the age and just needs a little interior work (sun damage) and paint work.
Originally picked it up for auction from the third owner for restoration and investing but well got other things to work on.
If only it was a 635 …
what’s the difference?
If it has a clean title and able to pass inspection and be tagged without much work she may be interested in it. I will message her and see what she says later when she gets off work.
635 was the grand touring two door coupe verson of your 735 sedan
In either case that was a great BMW platform and engine…unlike what they churn out these days.
2 doors, styling, practicality…
I really, really like the 7 series.
Not a fan of the 6 series. I respect its mobius roots, but have never been able to warm up to them.
never been able to warm up to them.
I know what you mean the 7 series seems to be the only ones I like these days. Ok sure the M5 and M3 are nice depending on the year but I’m spoiled/partial since getting the 735i.
andrew are you a 4 door person ? or a minivan guy?
4 door.
all the way.
always have been.
Nice isn’t the word I’d choose, but yeah.
The M5 specifically evokes emotions for me. The M3 less so. Either in original guise is a machine that commands respect, but the M3 being a high-strung beast, pretty well track-only for a good time kind of ruins it for me (also, only comes in 2 doors). The M5, on the other hand, packing 4 doors, 4 comfy seats, and outperforming most of the “sports cars” of its day… (how do you spell and depict in writing that MWAH sound you make in relation to spectacular food, usually, with the simultaneous raising of your hand to your lips and flinging the kiss across the room?) Had a buddy whose dad bought one just before we shipped off to college. Watching that beast idle, rocking the whole car side to side, the burble of those 6 holes on the overrun, the supple, yet sporty ride, the soft leather seats (I’m not a fan of leather in car seating surfaces, either, but those babies were N I C E!)… Good times. Never even got to drive it…
Where was I?
Oh. Yeah. 4 doors. Sometimes 2. And only very special minivans. And sometimes trucks. Hatchbacks are good. Like wagons. And sedans… Y’know what? Just put an engine in it, and I’ll look. Might even like it. Depends on the wind…
EDIT: testing the spoiler thing. I guess I don’t know how to use it…
EDIT: apparently can’t contain a quote.
EDIT: and then the collapsing spoiler “detail” tag. Nice…