-Cancelled- Wood Shop workday. The shop will be available July 23 & 24

The Wood Shop will be undergoing a major overhaul of dust collection systems as well as a reconfiguration of tools & locations. This effort is scheduled for the weekend of July 23 & 24, beginning @ 9:00 a.m. on that Saturday, but Wood Shop will remain generally closed and unavailable until all changes are completed. A notice will posted to the Dallas MakerSpace event calendar to this effect as well. Please plan or adjust your projects and classes accordingly…

Additionally, we’d be grateful for any support and assistance in this effort. If you’d like to help out, please send an email to [email protected] so we can get an idea of the headcount, then plan to show up on the 23rd and/or 24th during the day sometime and we will put you to work!

Thanks in advance for the support.


How is the planning for this going?

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We did not receive all the required parts for the build so we will be cancelling the work day. The shop will be open this weekend. In the next few weeks when we have everything, we will schedule another workday and try to give as much notice as possible.

Wow…thanks for asking Brandon; no one would have know otherwise, I guess. Communication within and out of the woodshop committee is at a generally low ebb nowadays :–(

What parts are we missing?

Prettt much everything but the ducting is the main part. We couldn’t find a place locally to do the spiral duct. So we will order and have it shipped.

Ahh crap. I talked to my sheet metal guy & I forgot what supplier he said he used. I think it was M & M

The pile of duct offsite is not sufficient?

We counted the offsite inventory and we’re still not quite there… Sorry for the lack of communication @mblatz. @Tapper and I will get together over the weekend to narrow our BOM list down, come up with a gameplan ASAP, and let everyone know. Big thank you to everyone that was willing to help out! We hope to have a plan very very soon

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Any updates on plans to rework dust collection?