CANCELLED: Resin Sig meeting this Friday 5/17/2019

Hi all! Nothing really new is happening in the resin world this month. We are moving into the big room at the end of May, so until then we don’t really have much happening.

If anyone has anything to add we will still meet this month, otherwise I will cancel the meeting.


I’m going to be doing some resin today for a photographer doing a story on DMS. I’ll give lots of cred to our new resin SIG


That is awesome! Please share pictures!

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Please come up if you can and be a part of the story. It’s at 2 pm today


Ack! I would if I could! I’m stuck at work until 5🙄 I know you’ll do a great job repping us.

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Anyone else who can come please do!

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Missed the opportunity unfortunately. They got there before I could set up. Boo!

to preserve the trouble of making a new thread: will there be any resin vacuum pot classes between now and the new move? the nearest one is in like early june on a tuesday :confused:

also if the wiki could be updated under tools : training required for the vacuum chamber y/n because currently the instructions are to message a specific person on Talk to schedule a 1 on 1 class which is no longer true.

aaand another question. the resin shot glass classes that keep popping up. would those grant clearance to use the resin pressure / vacuum chamber? y/n maybe that should be clarified in the event description.

thank you guys!


I plan on putting up a class shortly (for late May). I have been caught up with BoD election and post-election stuff, but will make scheduling a class a priority today.

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Scott, if you want to wait until June so you can catch up I can put one up for the end of the month and you get the next two? Let me know.

I can do a class as well, just let me know.

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Tag, you’re it!

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Thanks to both! I will likely come visit the class to ensure I have the latest knowledge when I post my next two classes after this one. Again, sorry about the delay…#BoardLife

I can add resin classes as well since I’ve got a little more free time ;). #postboardlife

To answer the questions I completely forgot to answer. I will update the wiki. But unfortunately the project classes do not sign you off to use the pressure pot/vacuum. We are putting up a class though!


Class scheduled for Friday 5/24 7pm. Should be up on the Calendar in a few days.


Thank you Greg!

So…meeting on Friday is canceled?

Yes it is. All we were slated to discuss was group buys for resin. We can’t make any changes until we move to the new area. Next meeting will be important as we will need to decide where we end up.


Hey thanks guys I hate to be that guy that voluntolds and just dumps a list. I have a deadline of November for a casting production run. I really do appreciate what you do!