Can someone in dallas fix a Davinci 1?

I have over worked my DaVinci 1, and the X motor has started stuttering.
I’ve been running it very heavily the last few weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve either burned out the motor driver or the motor, or the wiring harness is known to break wires on a DaVinci 1.

I am just not in the mood to pull it to pieces to fix it myself.

Does anyone have suggestions on stores or any of you willing to poke it with a screw driver?
I would pay you for your service time and the parts, of course.

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I have a few printer projects going on for the moment but I can look at it. Maybe you just fried the motor (which I’ve never heard of) but I can check it out.

my short term solution… and probably the best one in the long-term as well.
I’ve had this printer for 14 months, and while I did spend $100 more on a $400 printer to get a new extruder, I think I have gotten my money’s worth.

I’ve ordered another of the same model which I hope to have Tuesday… this gives me some flexibility on my repair options.

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and the new machine is defective right out of the box. error 31… so now i have to get 2 of them repaired.

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this is ritch. I ‘repair’ the flaw… it was an endstop problem on the Y axis. I moved the sensor out about 2 mm and it worked.

so I then tried to tell the thing to home. the bed only goes down in the home, it doesnt even attempt to go up. or negative Z.

I’m increasingly of the opinion that XYZ’s are crap. so i just opened a second ticket on the same printer for another problem, right out of the box.

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XYZ basically made a cheap printer that was meant to be hacked and thrown away by 3D printing noobs that want to get into the hobby. At least you didn’t back Peachy Printer…

I have a Davinci 1 printer that I am in the middle of rebuilding with a better hot end and swapping out the now bricked controller board with a Arduino/RAMPS combo and rewiring most of the printer. I am hoping to get back to finishing the project sometime this summer. I need to print out a new improved hot end carriage assembly one of these days so I can continue with the rebuild. I am always looking for spare parts if you decide your printer is toast…

I am really frustrated with the XYZ service department. they are telling me to walk off a broken leg.
I expect its a broekn wiring harness, but i dont want to take it apart, and they are not interested in giving me an RMA number to send it to them to be repaired.

want to poke at this old one? I have replaced it, but i would like it repaired, if possible.

That sucks! I have been very happy with my 1 but the cross axis has started making a funky noise. I’d be willing to fix it but I’m not sure if they sell repair parts beyond the hot end and platform

They finally have given me an RMA number. I’m arranging for it to be shipped tomorrow.
I’m not really concerned if it was an easy fix, or if it costs half the price of the printer… it needed general maintenance, and half a day of taking it to pieces, what ever its problem is… so its not my problem.

here is an RMA form, if youve wondered what it looks like from XYZ

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As much of a pain it is to build one, this is why I prefer building a RepRap. Glad to see you got an RMA for it, hopefully 3rd time the charm.

with it costing $120 to ship it us mail, and maybe the 120 for them to even look at it. it might not be worth repairing. I’m not sure now. I’m trying to find cheap shipping for a 56 lb 22 inch cube to California.

I think im back to trying to find someone local to crack it. i loath to do it myself, not with this one.


That is unfortunate to hear the service department sucks. Mine has started to make funny noises and I fear the worst. It’s probably because my lousy coworker insists on printing everything with a raft

If it’s any condolence the wiring harness for the motors doesn’t require you to really take it apart. Most of it can be disconnected through the front door. Getting to the main board is just a couple of screws on the back.

I can check the wiring harness; but if its the stepper or the driver, im not in any mood to take it to pieces to change.

as to returns, buy from amazon or one locally like microcenter. amazon paid for cross shipping and didnt complain about a thing. picked it up from the house.

The retail UPS Ground cost to ship that package from DFW to XYZprinting is $62. FedEx Ground is probably within a few dollars of that. USPS is expensive for heavy packages.

so… its still sitting in its box. maybe its $60 to get it to California, its at least that getting it back. it will be $120 for them to even open the box, before they decide what’s wrong with it. anyone in town want to take a screwdriver to it for $150?

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You selling it or offering that? If it’s an offer, i’ll buy it.

I’m trying to get it serviced.