Campervan Electrical System

Hi! In January I got a new Ford Transit Trail cargo van. I’m from Seattle but took it to Orlando to work on it in the sun :slight_smile: . Found a great maker space there and one guy who helped me make a bed. Anyway, before I join DMS I’m wondering if there are any other van people here, or anyone who might be able to help me install an electrical system, etc. I’m thinking of following the instructions for the ‘high power’ 12 volt system from these guys:

Thanks, Dave P.
(FYI, I’m 68, taught English in Asia 25 years, professional guitarist, had Apple support business 20 years…)

There’s this:

I can help, but you’ll do the work.


Welcome! Just to clarify, are you and the van in Dallas or Orlando?

I’m currently in Graham, a couple hours east of Dallas. There’s a place to work on vans (and school buses), here…but it’s far from perfect.

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FYI I left the “van workshop” (hardly), place east of Dallas and am now in Dallas. I joined DMS with the intention of finishing my electrical system here. I’d be happy for any interest/help from anyone who knows anything around DMS that could be of use.

Hi ozindfw, FYI I’ve now come to Dallas (from a disappointing place a couple hours east which was supposed to be a place to work on vans), and joined DMS, which is where I now sit. There’s probably a schedule posted somewhere (will look next), but: Are " Electronics Office Hours" a regular thing? And/or: Is there a time when you’d be here when I could discuss my van electrical system with you? Thanks, Dave Peterson

Roughly every other week subject to the vagaries of my schedule. Next is Tuesday and then about three weeks after that since I’ll be out of town for a bit.

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