CAM intro for CNC Routers classes posted

I have submitted 2 CAM intro classes for Carbide Create, the software that creates tool paths for the Shapeoko 3 and the Nomad CNC routers in the machine shop. This is not (yet) training specific to wood shop CNC routers, but it is related and is part of the path to the Multicam. I will discuss what that means in the class as well. There will be 12 spots Wednesday 4/9 at 7 and 12 spots Sunday 4/14 at 1. I will try to put up at least one 12 person class every month as long as there is demand. I will also BRIEFLY introduce Vectric V Carve pro, the CAM software for the Multicam and the CAM module for Solidworks, but these will be BRIEF introductions that will give you guidance for self-directed study going forward. As to carbide create, you will leave the class knowing how to create machinable geometry for the CNC routers once you take the machine side class and checkout. Be on the look for the classes!


I guess I’ll have to wait for the May or June classes when my Wednesdays and Sundays free up again. Thanks for offering these!

Awesome! So excited to learn

As an update, @swa has advised that the x-carve small cnc in the wood shop is being upgraded to run in the Carbide 3d environment , making the carbide create class applicable to the wood shop small cnc machine as well as those in the machine shop. This modified machine , which I am unofficially calling the franken-poco is not yet ready for use , but when it is this class will tell you how to create programs for it . I still have spots for the 4/14 class and watch for a 4/23 class. Again this class is not for machine access , but to will get you ready to prepare a file to get checked out on the machine.


I posted a Tuesday 4/25 that should be on the calendar soon!

Franken-poco has a nice ring to it… :laughing:

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Do any of the Sherline machines in plastics run on Carbide 3D?

No the sherline cnc mill runs on Linux cnc

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Is there a class for this tonight?

Still spaces left as of this moment.

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