Calling Makers to display works at makerspace - maker showcases

Looking for a variety of different makers to showcase pieces on the walls of DMS! If you think this could be you please fill this out. Share with friends.

I think it would be fantastic to display code, photos, electric bits and pieces, blueprints, and every aspect that makes you a maker. We will help in any way we can.

Please fill out this form to help us organize:

PLEASE nothing that requires a wall outlet and nothing that sticks out off the wall more than three inches.

We have too much drama over using outlets vs. the cleaning lady and other members just unplugging things. The 3-inch thing is an ADA thing, but also things that stick out more than that are just annoying.

Also to clarify the 3-inch thing would only apply to walkways (the walking paths in Multipurpose [just one example] and of course the hallways). If stuff could be mounted in CA or in the Multipurpose Room high-up, then I couldn’t care less.

That takes my stuff out then.

@Webdevel don’t discount completely, would display case work?

@uglyknees I’m wracking my brain for ideas, I think I may have something I can share but need to develop it a little.

Someone had mentioned having something tactile that people could handle, so my initial thought was putting up the pieces below. However, I could instead do photos instead if that’s more convenient for the walls.

This armor:

These Goggles:

A gauntlet:


Tactile is much better than 2d photos of objects like this. Oh well three inches is three inches. :frowning:

We can put your works somewhere else in the space.

Dude. Would love to see these in person!

Unfortunately, that knocks me out. Those LED panels do not need much power and I can run several for a long time on a bettery pack, but that is one hassle I do not want.