Calling All Teachers: Take Your Show on the Road!

Makers in Greenville are struggling to start a Makerspace. I will not touch the discussion on what DMS should do but there is something we individually can do. @meanbaby threw out a challenge to teachers. When they work out a spot, I’ll run out to Greenville an evening or two with an Arduino class. While this is easy for those of us with classroom classes, you might think it would not apply to wood shop, metal shop,… Actually a startup could profit a lot for a craftsman to come up to talk about their area of expertise and show a few projects. Tell them about our tools, safety, fire marshal rules, classes, enthusiasm, suggestions for first purchases,…



Do we have a comprehensive list of their equipment? I’m down but I’m not sure I’m the right sector ya know?

I would love to volunteer some teaching time. Maybe a group can go on a planned weekend. Not everyone can make the drive to our awesome space so let’s help others have a Makers Space.

We need a contact name to find out what supplies and equipment they have after they get settled.

Something else I think is important, if your not a teacher can you volunteer to be a teachers assistant?


I have a portable ceramics class, happy to bring it.


I think a microwave pendant class would work great. I would need to borrow some of the DMS pods, I don’t have enough personal ones


I like the coordinated weekend idea thing

Wire jewelry class transports easily and provide all the tools/materials so it’s fine what they have/don’t on that end

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This sounds like a great idea for a SIG. There are a couple other Makerspaces that could use the help too.


Astrud and I discussed it and we would both be interested, but it would have to wait until fall.

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Please advise when they have moved and what equipment they have so plans can be made based on everyone’s schedules.